The weather forecast has been predicting big thunderstorms moving through the area and they were right for a change, your office building trembles with the thunderclaps and the lightning flashes through the windows outshine the overhead fluorescents. You and your staff are scrambling to finish up any pressing work as fast as you can because the power could go out and- BOOM! The lights go down along with your business systems, but not before the power surge fries your mainframe computer and turns it into a very expensive paperweight. Your business is dead in the water.
This nightmare scenario plays out all too often, which is a shame because there is a solution readily available! What you need is an APC UPS, an uninterruptible power supply that can protect against harmful surges and give you the power to keep working until the lights come back up!
So, how does a UPS help?
A UPS constantly monitors the voltage coming in from the main power supply. When that voltage supply becomes lost or unsuitable the UPS automatically switches over to its stored battery power. The UPS also makes sure that all of your critical devices are protected from harmful power issues like electrical surges, sags, spikes, and outages.
How long can a UPS run without incoming power?
The length of time a UPS system’s stored battery power will last depends on the size of its battery and how heavy the load that’s being drawn from it is. A quality UPS with internal batteries should maintain power throughout your office for about half an hour, and longer if fewer devices are connected. It’s enough time to shut down sensitive data systems safely. You also have the option of purchasing extra batteries to keep you running for a longer period. When the main power is working again, the UPS automatically switches back to recharging its battery.
Can I keep the UPS turned on all the time?
Absolutely! Having your UPS standing at the ready in case of an emergency is the whole point! You want to have your equipment protected 24/7 to ensure it has a clean and conditioned power supply when things go wrong with the main power. You should always make a point of having your UPS and battery regularly tested and maintained to ensure it’s working correctly so it can protect your equipment whenever there is a power surge or outage.
How long will a UPS last?
A UPS will generally last over 10 years, but this can vary depending on the type you have as well as how often it’s used and maintained. It’s highly recommended that you perform a major overhaul around the 6th year to ensure optimal efficiency and performance from your UPS.
A UPS system is a big hero when the lights go out, it saves you a lot of trouble and money, your business can continue to operate safely until the main power returns, and no important (and expensive!) devices will be reduced to paperweight status by a sudden surge! Make sure your business is protected, a UPS is truly critical equipment you can’t do without!
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