Unique Ways to Transform your Garden Space

Unique Ways to Transform your Garden Space

We all love the summer here in Australia, a time when you can make good use of your outdoor living space and in this short article, we offer a few creative ways to turn your garden into a paradise.

  • Large clay urns – Order a couple of extra-large outdoor pots for dried grass and place them either side of the patio. The online supplier has many unique designs, so you are sure to find something perfect to enhance the look of your garden. 
  • Crazy paving pathways – Get hold of some broken pavers and build rustic paths that connect all parts of the garden. If you are unsure about how to go about this, check out some of the YouTube videos that show the process step by step; lay a bed of wet cement and place the paver pieces leaving a small gap between each. Use straightedges for the border and mixing colours and materials adds to the character.
  • Hanging gardens – Using recycled materials, you can create stunning hanging gardens; walls and string come together, you can create a rustic timber frame and hang orchids or other lush, tropical greenery. Your imagination is the only limitation and you can use old containers and anything that is no longer of any use.
  • Plantation pots – Browse the many units at the online supplier; all sizes, shapes and colours are available; one of the advantages of using pots is that you can move greenery around, which allows you to find the perfect spot with the right amount of shade, so the plant will thrive.
  • Ground level lighting – Have you seen the latest in garden illumination, LED spikes? A steel spike with an LED light and a small solar panel as a cover; stick it in the lawn or a flower bed and when dusk arrives, they automatically come on. Move them around for best effects; create a line on each side of the path for a runway effect!
  • Multi-coloured flower boxes – You can knock a few up from old timber, sand it down and paint it and you have colourful plant containers. Old pallets are great for making garden stuff and if you have a sander, you can achieve a smooth finish and add stain and varnish for protection.

Your imagination is the only limit when it comes to improvising in your garden and the above ideas are not expensive and can transform the look of your outdoor livng space.

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