Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

Bed Bugs

Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

Bed bugs are an unpleasant pest, when you find them at home. They are fairly widespread. Bed bugs are resilient insects. They can thrive in a variety of conditions. This includes cold temperatures. This is why some people wonder if they actually hibernate.

Bed bug behaviour during the different seasons

Technically, bed bugs don’t have an active season or a season for hibernation. They can be found throughout all of the year. However, they are still more active in certain locations and during specific months. 

Bed bugs survive by feeding on blood. Aside from the need for a reliable food source, they are not particularly selective with their living conditions. Because of this, their behaviour is not associated with a specific seasonality like other pests. But, there are factors that can increase or decrease their activity. 

If bed bugs have access to hosts and a source of blood, they will not hibernate. They don’t generate their own body heat. They’re dependent on the temperature of the surroundings. If the temperature falls below 7°C, the bed bugs slow down activity. Sometimes, they go dormant. In this state, these insects can’t breed or lay eggs. They don’t need to eat. 

Bed bug behaviour during winter months

Bed bugs don’t hibernate. They can enter a dormant state, known as diapause. Many insects enter it when exposed to cold temperatures for long. The purposes of diapause include slowing down the bed bugs’ metabolism, conserving energy and enabling them to return to their normal behaviour when the environmental conditions are favourable again. 

An old laboratory study found that bed bugs can be dormant for 500 days. But, that is not common. When bed bugs are in a natural setting, they will try to feed instead of being dormant for long. Recent studies showed that when temperatures drop below 20°C, bed bugs slow their heart rates to survive. It can allow them to survive for many months without feeding. As a result, bed bug activity can often be lower in the winter months. However, because most homes are temperature controlled, bed bugs that have found their way inside will usually not enter diapause.

Other studies on bed bugs have generally shown that bed bugs can’t survive temperatures of -17°C for more than 4 days. That’s why if you’re using a freeze treatment on bed bugs, when you put infested items, such as clothes or bedding, in the freezer, each one should be placed in a plastic bag beforehand and kept at a temperature below -19°C for about 4 days for the treatment to be effective. In general, making your home cold won’t kill them.

Bed bug behaviour around travel areas

Bed bugs hitchhike. There’s an increase in infestations in summer and the holiday seasons. That’s when people travel the most. People can transport bed bugs from one place to another. Decades ago, experts thought, that bed bugs were near extinction. But that changed with international travel in the 1980s. This caused bed bugs to reappear. Bed bug activity became lower in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. After that, people started to travel again. Then, bed bug outbreaks increased.

Tips on avoiding and preventing bed bugs

Bed bugs are active any time of the year. It’s important to be proactive to prevent an infestation. They can be found in any environment. This includes inexpensive motels and luxurious hotels. Always make sure to: 

  • Check the bed frame, boxspring, and mattress in the room you’ve booked for signs of bed bugs;
  • If you notice insects, blood stains, or tiny specks of droppings, it’s a sign; you’re staying at a place infested with bed bugs; 
  • If you suspect your room is infested, notify the management immediately; they can take action;
  • Wash all clothes in hot water when you return home; even if you haven’t seen signs of bed bugs; 
  • Thoroughly vacuum luggage to prevent the spread of infestations;
  • Bring an over-the-counter bed bug spray; you can find it readily available at any home improvement store, grocery stores and pharmacies. 

Consider a bed bug treatment

Pesticides in bed bug sprays and products are not as effective as bed bug treatment methods from a professional pest control company. Over-the-counter treatments can reduce the activity of bed bugs. But they will not kill the eggs. Additionally, sometimes, you can notice the presence of bed bugs only days or weeks later. It’ll be too late to employ a bed bug spray. You can also think that the bed bugs are gone. Later, you will notice that they are back. This is because the eggs hatched. 

The best ways to eliminate bed bug infestations include fumigation and heat treatments. They are only offered by professional exterminators. They can provide you with a bed bug inspection. Then, they determine what kind of treatment is most effective.

Final words

Infestations of bed bugs can spread quickly, if they’re not dealt with fast, using an effective treatment. Many people think that they will freeze and die in winter. However, that’s not entirely true because bed bugs don’t hibernate. Nevertheless, they can enter a dormant state called diapause when they are exposed to temperatures that are cold enough. If you suspect your home has been infested by bed bugs during autumn or winter, don’t wait until spring to consult with a pest control professional for an appropriate treatment because those bugs aren’t going to stay inactive until then. 

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